Stormwater management plans

Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC) is committed to managing stormwater based on best practice principles that ensure integrated solutions. MBRC's stormwater management design objectives can be found within Schedule 10 of the MBRC Planning Scheme.

The MBRC’s requirements for the management of stormwater within new developments can be found within the MBRC Planning Scheme, and more specifically within the planning scheme policies, namely;

In accordance with the Council’s Customer Service Charter, the Council’s KPI for code assessable applications is 35 business days. As reported in recent Customer Commitment reports, information requests are a cause of significant delays for decisions, and thus are a target for reduction/minimisation.

A recent investigation of information requests relating to Stormwater Management Plans has identified common themes of issues being raised. The following is a list of items that were found to often be overlooked when submitting Stormwater Management Plans to Council, and thus resulting in information requests and associated delays in approvals.

Checklist when submitting Stormwater management plans


Acceptable Reference latest flood planning level (available via Flood Check Development Report)

Acceptable No filling in the high and medium risk flood hazard areas (identified by the Flood hazard overlay) except for the creation of certain stormwater infrastructure in accordance with Table Fill requirements of the Flood hazard overlay code.

Acceptable Use current version of the MUSIC Modelling Guidelines for SEQ

Acceptable Provide digital model files.

Acceptable Maintenance responsibility of facilities to be nominated and where a private facility is proposed, a maintenance plan is to be part of the report.

Acceptable All proposed stormwater Management devices/Areas must be shown

Acceptable Reports to be certified by an RPEQ (registration No. to be provided) and the full name of the Report’s author to be indicated

Stormwater Quantity - PSP Integrated design - Appendix C and QUDM

Acceptable Pre and post development flow rates to be validated using the rational method (if the rational method is invalid because of catchment complexities, include a discussion/justification of this)

Acceptable Fraction impervious for post development to be in accordance with section of Integrated design - Appendix C(PDF, 9MB)

Acceptable Coefficient of discharge to be in accordance with section 4.5 of QUDM, noting fraction impervious from above. Use actual current landform for existing conditions.

Acceptable Use the BOM facility to generate the latest rainfall intensity table (at current time this is 2016 data)

Acceptable Demonstrate that there is no increase in downstream discharge because of the proposed development

Acceptable Batters of basin embankments to be no steeper than 1 in 4.

Stormwater Quality - PSP Integrated Design - Appendix C and Healthy waterways water sensitive urban design technical design guidelines for SEQ.

Acceptable Total area in MUSIC model to equal the development area (if not then an explanation is required)

Acceptable Use MUSIC modelling guidelines correctly (e.g. ratio of roof, road and ground. Road includes footpath reserve)

Acceptable Determine the lot density on a realistic basis, not using large undevelopable areas to artificially lower the density

Acceptable Use the measured area from the proposal plan to determine Roof and Road areas

Acceptable Gross pollutant trap TSS and nutrient reductions to be a maximum of 50% and 10% respectively (Reduction rates greater than this will require approval by the Council’s Director - Engineering, Construction & Maintenance and will only be considered where supported by an Independent peer review)

Acceptable Model basin in accordance with the proposed filter media area and side batters

Acceptable Filter media depth to be 500 mm minimum (typical filter depth is 0.5 metres to 0.7 metres).