Administrative action complaints Council welcomes feedback and complaints to continually improve its processes and service delivery.
Competitive neutrality complaints Council has established a Competitive Neutrality Policy which outlines Council’s process for resolving customer complaints.
Code of conduct for employees Council employees and volunteers ensure our day-to-day conduct is of a high standard. View the Code of Conduct for Employees.
Fraud and corruption control framework Provides direction on strategies to prevent, detect respond to and monitor and evaluate fraud and corruption.
Petition to Council Petitioning is one of the traditional ways members of the community can have their say and make requests direct to Council.
Right to information and privacy Open and transparent access to information about Council's services, activities and business operations.
S150DX (Local Government Act 2009) Register The new Councillor complaints system introduced in the Local Government (Councillor Complaints) and other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018.
Notice of injury, loss or damage Information in relation to Council's claims process and the relevant forms required to be completed.