Reshaping our region’s planning

The Moreton Bay region is one of Australia’s fastest growing local government areas. The region’s population is forecast to grow from 484,400 in 2021 (currently more the 500,000) to approximately 792,700 by 2046, meaning an additional 308,300 residents over this 25 year period.

Council is committed to protecting and enhancing the existing local lifestyle and amenities through this evolutionary chapter in our region’s history. The existing planning scheme sets out the current approach to development in our area. To find out how the current planning scheme relates to your property, search for your address in My property look up. Find out more about planning in our region.

The Portfolio outlined below is Council’s approach to improving development outcomes occurring across the region, through either amendments to the existing MBRC Planning Scheme 2016 (current planning scheme), or a new planning scheme. The Portfolio includes:

  • Short-term (0-2 years): targeted and prioritised policy (and interim policy) amendments to the current planning scheme to address urgent and critical community concerns
  • Medium-term (2+ years): neighbourhood and growth areas planning to deliver more localised responses to growth and development issues in established and emerging (new) neighbourhoods
  • Longer-term (5+ years): delivery of a new planning scheme.

The Portfolio is comprised of six separate and supporting work programs. These include:

  1. Planning Scheme 2016 Reset Program
  2. Great Places (Urban Design and Place Making) Program
  3. Neighbourhood Planning Program
  4. Growth Areas Program
  5. Regional Planning Program
  6. New Planning Scheme (Review) Program (yet to commence).

Each program will deliver work in parallel to the others to help reduce delivery timeframes where possible and will inform future amendments to the current planning scheme or a new planning scheme, or both. 

Critically, this work and any future planning scheme amendments will not impact or influence existing development in the region, such as homes or businesses, and will only influence new development that occurs after they are adopted. 

We have listed plans, projects and investigations currently underway for each program to show how Council is reshaping planning for your community. Alternatively, view a map of these plans, projects and investigations.

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Planning Scheme 2016 Reset Program

This work program supports the delivery and maintenance of a MBRC Planning Scheme that is responsive to the needs of the Moreton Bay community, considering environmental, social and economic factors, while also being consistent with State legislation and interests.

Next Generation Neighbourhood Precinct Review

This project is investigating current development outcomes within the Next Generation Neighbourhood Precinct of the General Residential Zone (and Transition Precinct of the Emerging Community Zone) to provide options to deliver enhanced neighbourhood outcomes with better character, landscaped open spaces and diverse, liveable housing options. More information.

Timing: 2020-2022

Narangba Innovation Precinct Investigations

This project follows the introduction of a Temporary Local Planning Instrument by the Planning Minister in July 2020 over the Narangba Innovation Precinct.  Investigations are being conducted to better understand how the current industries in the precinct operate. 

These investigations are providing important data to guide future decision making on industry operations within the precinct and development in the neighbourhoods surrounding the precinct. More information.

Timing: 2020-2023

Off-street Car Parking Rates Review - options and interim measures

This project is investigating potential interim car parking rates for ‘Multiple Dwelling’, ‘Rooming Accommodation’, ‘Dual Occupancy’ and ‘Dwelling House’ uses within specific zones/ precincts, to address car parking undersupply issues and impacts on neighbourhood amenity and local road networks.

Timing: 2020-2022

Regional Building Height Policy Review - options and interim measures

This project is investigating options to clarify and reinforce the policy intent for building heights in the region, supported by improved building design requirements.

Timing 2020-2023

Secondary Dwelling Review

This project is investigating issues associated with secondary dwelling development in the region, including a policy framework to improve building design, siting and amenity outcomes for secondary dwellings in specific areas. More information.

Timing: 2020-2022

Student Accommodation Design Review

This project is investigating options to deliver improved building design outcomes for student accommodation development.

Timing: 2021-2022

Comprehensive Off-Street Car Parking Investigation

This project will investigate and identify appropriate future off-street car parking rates for development occurring in all areas of the region. It will consider demand drivers, demand management and contemporary transport planning considerations to inform future rates.

Timing: 2022-2024

Review of development outcomes in the Suburban Neighbourhood Precinct in areas with large lot/lifestyle blocks over 1000 square metres

This project will commence in 2022 and will involve a review of established residential areas in the region with lot sizes between 1,000-5,000 square metres that are within an urban zoning (e.g. General Residential Zone - Suburban Neighbourhood Precinct). This will include land formerly in the Special Residential Zone under the historic Pine Rivers Plan, along with other areas throughout the region with similar characteristics. This study will consider existing physical and character attributes of each location to better understand their function and to inform future planning considerations.

Timing: 2022-2024

Great Places (Urban Design and Place Making) Program

This work program supports the delivery of best practice built environment and excellence in urban design, placemaking and heritage outcomes for the Moreton Bay Region.

Your Flood Smart Buildings Guideline

This guideline offers helpful tips on rebuilding and retrofitting your home and business after a flood or if you are in a flood-prone area. More information.

 Timing: 2022 Completed

Your Climate Smart Living Guideline

As part of the Next Generation Neighbourhood Precinct Review, this guideline will offer tips and simple solutions for anyone building, renovating or buying a home to help you make the most of the Moreton Bay climate. More information.

Timing: 2021 Completed

Your Next Generation Home Guideline

As part of the Next Generation Neighbourhood Precinct Review, this guideline will offer tips and simple solutions for anyone building a home on a lot under 600 square metres to help you save money and future proof your home. More information.

Timing: 2021 Completed

Township Character and Heritage Investigation

This project is investigating existing character and heritage values of the region’s townships. More information.

Timing: 2021-2022 Completed

Moreton Bay Region Place Identity Study

This project is investigating the unique and many ‘place’ qualities of the Moreton Bay Region. The findings will guide future planning and design policy. Guiding principles will be developed to help identify and preserve key elements of place identity value in the region. More information.

Timing: 2021-2022 Completed

Coastal Areas Building Height and Design Review

This project will investigate appropriate medium-to-tall building typologies for the region and engage with relevant coastal communities to seek feedback on potential planning and design recommendations for building height, built form design and local coastal character.

Timing: 2021-2023

Naturehoods: Your Backyard and Outdoor Spaces Guideline

As part of the Next Generation Neighbourhood Precinct Review, this guideline will offer tips and simple solutions for creating outdoor spaces on a lot under 600 square metres that will help improve your comfort, contribute to your lifestyle and increase the value of your home. More information.

Timing: 2022 Completed

Scenic Amenity and Regional Viewsheds Investigation

This project will investigate the region’s scenic qualities and views to scenic areas.  It will identify and recommend best-practise planning and design approaches to protect and enhance regional scenic values.

Timing: 2022-2023

Neighbourhood Planning Program

This work program will deliver integrated neighbourhood and precinct plans to guide growth and development in established/ existing (urban) neighbourhoods and manage development in a way that respects and builds on key elements of local character and identity.

Neighbourhood Planning Project 1 (Kallangur-Dakabin)

The Kallangur-Dakabin Future Directions Report was endorsed by Council at its General Meeting on 22 November 2023. The report will inform future updates to the Planning Scheme. More information.

Timing: 2021-2023 Completed

Neighbourhood Planning Project 2 (Morayfield)

Council is developing a Neighbourhood Plan for parts of Caboolture South, Morayfield and Upper Caboolture. The area excludes the Caboolture West and Morayfield South growth areas which are being addressed through separate planning processes. This project will investigate how we accommodate growth in the area, while also promoting local character and creating better places at a local level. More information.

Timing: 2022-2024

Growth Areas Program

This work program will deliver integrated land use and infrastructure planning to guide growth and development in emerging/ new (urban) neighbourhoods (greenfield growth areas) and manage development in a way that respects and builds on key elements of local character and identity. New infrastructure networks and local area improvements and open space will be considered in this context.

Waraba - New Regional City

Over the next 40 years, Waraba (formerly Caboolture West) will develop into a new regional city accommodating upwards of 70,000 residents.

Work is underway on the first stage of the new city at Lilywood, while the Queensland Government has declared a Priority Development Area for the balance of Waraba to undertake detailed land use and infrastructure planning.

This planning will be led by Economic Development Queensland.

Council will continue to manage development applications within the Waraba Priority Development Area. 

More Information.

North Harbour Marina and Canal Estate PDA Investigation

This project is undertaking land use, economic, environment and infrastructure investigations into the potential declaration of a Priority Development Area (PDA) under the Economic Development Act 2012 for the purpose of a marina, waterfront residential dwellings and associated land uses at Burpengary East on the North Harbour site.

Timing: 2020-2023

Morayfield South (Land Use and Infrastructure) Planning

Ongoing land use and infrastructure planning and investigations are being undertaken to support the development of the Morayfield South growth area, including a Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI). These investigations will inform future planning scheme amendments. More information.

Timing: 2020-2022

Narangba East Planning

Council is preparing a long-term plan for the Narangba East area. Planning will be undertaken over multiple phases to investigate the suitability of the area to support future urban development.

Narangba East's strategic location, including proximity to major transport infrastructure, means the area has the potential to cater for additional employment/industrial and residential uses to accommodate future growth. Not all land within the area will be suitable for urban development.  Suitability of land will be established through detailed investigations which will take into consideration:

  • surrounding land uses
  • regional land supply needs
  • community feedback
  • available or planned infrastructure
  • site-based environmental values and other constraints.

More information.

Regional Planning Program

This work program will deliver sustainable regional planning strategies and land use planning policies that are consistent with State interest requirements and reflect the region’s unique growth, development and land use characteristics, whilst managing natural hazards and protecting and conserving the region’s natural resources, environment and heritage. This planning helps to create new and better neighbourhoods, land for businesses and centres as well as the infrastructure required to make it work well.

Growth Management Strategy 

Council is preparing a Growth Management Strategy (GMS) to set a roadmap for how Council will manage growth in the region to 2041 and beyond. It will provide principles, strategies and actions that will help manage forecast population growth in the region. The GMS is being prepared under the framework of the new Corporate Plan.

Whilst growth in our region is inevitable, we can actively influence and participate in how we plan for and manage this growth. Some of the key issues to be considered by the GMS include: 

  • How do we best accommodate the expected population growth in our region?
  • How do we better plan for our changing housing needs?
  • How do we better plan for local employment opportunities?
  • How do we better sequence infrastructure delivery with our expected growth?
  • How do we better protect the heritage, character and identity of the region, and its many communities, as it grows?

More information

Timing: 2021-2023

Urban Areas Employment Lands Investigation

This project is investigating supply and demand for the region’s current urban employment lands (excluding centres and retail lands) to identify any implications and make recommendations to inform future employment land supply delivery and policy directions.  

More information.

Timing: 2020-2021 Completed

Housing Needs (Choice, Diversity and Affordable Living) Investigation

This project is investigating the region’s current and future housing needs to ensure matters such as housing choice, diversity and affordable living options are sufficiently planned for and are being delivered in the right locations. The project will identify any implications and make recommendations to inform future housing supply delivery and policy directions.

Timing: 2021-2022 Completed

Infill Housing Expert Panel Recommendations Report

A priority for Council in planning for the growth of our city is to support more diverse, affordable and well-designed infill housing in our existing urban areas.

This approach is supported by Council’s Growth Management Strategy 2042 and the findings of the Housing Needs (Choice, Diversity and Affordable Living) Investigation 2022.

Council established the Infill Housing Expert Panel in 2022 to access independent expert advice on the regulatory, market and development constraints, and opportunities to achieving greater - and more diverse - infill outcomes in Moreton Bay.

The Infill Housing Expert Panel Recommendations Report is the documented findings of the Panel. The recommendations of the Panel’s report reinforce Council’s current strategies in place to incentivise affordable and diverse living, while also offering some new approaches to advance these outcomes. View the report(PDF, 2MB).

Timing: 2022 - 2024 Completed

Centres and Retail Lands Investigation

This project will investigate supply and demand for the region’s current centres and retail lands to identify any implications, and make recommendations to inform future employment land supply delivery and policy directions.  

Timing: 2022-2023

New Planning Scheme (Review) Program

This work program will investigate, guide and ultimately deliver a new planning scheme for the region. This program is under development.

Planning Scheme 2016 ‘Current State (S.W.O.T.) Analysis’ and ‘State Planning Policy (SPP) Policy Readiness/Gap Assessment’

These projects will engage with the State Government, development industry and key stakeholders to identify and collect feedback on specific planning scheme policy content, operational and technical issues. This project will also be informed by community feedback from the ‘Moreton Says’ survey and other sources.

This work will inform the scoping for a new planning scheme and identify outstanding information and further technical investigations required to meet the current SPP and pass State interest checks and address stakeholder needs.

Timing: 2021-2022