Infrastructure charges

Council levies infrastructure charges in accordance with the Planning Act 2016 as part of the development assessment process. Charges apply when certain development occurs generating extra demand on trunk infrastructure networks.

Charges collected or assets constructed contribute to the provision of essential trunk infrastructure to service new development. Trunk infrastructure is significant infrastructure that supports large areas or catchments. Council manages three networks:

  • transport
  • public parks and land for community facilities
  • stormwater.

Since 1 July 2014, Unitywater has responsibility for the connection, disconnection or alteration to water and sewerage networks within the Moreton Bay region. Refer to the Unitywater website for more details.

Charges resolution

Current charges resolution 

Council levies infrastructure charges under the Moreton Bay Regional Council Charges resolution. The current charges resolution is the Moreton Bay Regional Council Charges Resolution (No. 10) and applies to development approvals given on and from 5 October 2022. 

Charges resolution amendments

The key changes to the new charges resolution include the following:

  • Increased infrastructure charges in accordance with the Queensland Government’s Planning Act 2016 and Planning Regulation 2017

Superseded charges resolutions 

Title In effect from Documents Brief description of change
Adopted infrastructure charges resolutions 1/07/11 - 30/06/15
  • Adopted ICR for each district under the State Planning Regulatory Provision (adopted charges)
Infrastructure charges resolution (No. 2) 1/07/15 - 9/11/15
  • Bringing together the three previous resolutions into one document
  • Developed a supporting Implementation Policy which states the clear policy position of Council in order to provide a consistent and transparent approach to the application of the ICR
Infrastructure charges resolution (No. 3) 10/11/15 - 31/01/16
  • Providing clarity around various matters including:
    • demand assumptions to be used for transport modelling when making and considering a conversion application;
    • indexing of previous contribution amounts;
    • credit for vacant allotment;
    • additional credit for past contribution or charge; and
    • impervious area calculation.
  • Amendments to the ICR implementation policy to reflect the above changes
  • New active transport project at Everton Hills
Infrastructure charges resolution (No. 4) 1/02/16 - 31/08/16
  • Amendments required as a result of the adoption of the MBRC Planning Scheme including:
    • The new MBRC Planning Scheme contains content that is no longer required to be included within the ICR itself in particular Part 4 Priority Infrastructure Plan (PIP);
    • The MBRC Planning Scheme has increased the number of instances where a use may be self-assessable, for which charges are not currently applied however Council wishes to impose infrastructure charges; and
    • The ICR references the three current planning schemes which will become superseded planning schemes from 1 February 2016.
Infrastructure charges resolution (No. 5) implementation policy 1/09/16 - 9/10/16 Update to suburb based land values in Appendix 1 of the Infrastructure Charges Resolution Implementation Policy
Note: No changes to ICR (No 5)
Infrastructure charges resolution (No.5) and
Infrastructure charges resolution (No.5) implementation policy

10/10/16 - 2/07/17 

10/10/16 - 2/07/17

To align with the State Government’s increase to the adopted charges for infrastructure under the State Planning Regulatory Provisions.
Update to suburb based land values in Appendix 1 of the ICR Implementation Policy.
Charges resolution (No. 6) and
Charges resolution (No. 6) implementation policy
3/07/17 - 10/12/17
  • Alignment with the new Queensland planning system
  • Alignment with the LGIP
  • General amendments (including clarity around the levied charge for compacted gravel areas)
Charges resolution (No. 7) and
Charges resolution (No. 7) implementation policy
11/12/17 - 13/08/18
  • Increase to prescribed amount for infrastructure charges
  • Indexation of suburb based land values – implementation policy
Charges resolution (No. 8) and Charges resolution (No. 8) implementation policy 14/8/18 - 30/6/22    
  • Update to description of industrial use categories to align with Planning Regulation 2017
  • Conversion applications and criteria has been combined into one Sec 18 with further clarification provided consistent with Guideline for the Minister’s Guidelines and Rules
  • Amendment to definition of ‘Netserv Plan’
  • Various amendments to references in the Implementation policy
 Charges resolution (No. 9)  1/7/2022 - 4/10/2022


  •  Increased infrastructure charges in accordance with the Queensland Government’s Planning Act 2016 and Planning Regulation 2017.
  •  Process improvements for calculating current market value for required land.
  • Administrative amendments to provide clarity.
  • Amalgamation of the Implementation Policy into the Charges Resolution.
  • The MBRC proportion of the infrastructure charge is now 60% of the adopted infrastructure charge across the region (not dependent on network availability).
  • Ability to apply charges in the Mango Hill Development Control Plan.
  • Review and amendments to the application of indexation, re-calculation of establishment costs and contingency rates.

Charges resolution - existing development approvals

As a consequence of the increase to the maximum adopted charge taking effect from 1 September 2016, indexing of the charge stated in some of Council's Infrastructure charges notices (ICN) will now occur. The indexation will depend on the timing of the original development approval.

  Timing of infrastructure charges notice  Levying of infrastructure charges Payment of infrastructure charges
1 ICN issued in respect to a development approval originally issued between 1 July 2011 and 30 June 2015 As per the amount stated in the ICR / AICR at the time of the Decision notice / ICN Levied amount only.
2 ICN issued between 1 July 2015 and 31 August 2016 As per the amount stated in the ICR at the time of the Decision notice / ICN Levied amount indexation up to date of payment capped at the maximum charge at the time of payment
3 ICN issued between 1 September 2016 and 10 December 2017 As per the amount stated in the CR / ICR at the time of the Decision notice / ICN Levied amount indexation up to date of payment capped at the maximum charge at the time of payment
4 ICN issued from 11 December 2017 to 13 August 2018 Amount stated in Schedule 3 of CR plus indexation  Levied amount indexation up to date of payment capped at the maximum charge at the time of payment
5 ICN issued from 14 August 2018 to 30 June 2022 Amount stated in Schedule 3 of CR plus indexation Levied amount plus indexation up to date of payment capped at the maximum charge at the time of payment
ICN issued from 1 July 2022 to 4 October 2022  Amount stated in Schedule 1 of CR plus indexation Levied amount plus indexation up to date of payment capped at the maximum charge at the time of payment
 7  ICN issued from 5 October 2022  Amount stated in Schedule 1 of CR plus indexation  Levied amount plus indexation up to date of payment capped at the maximum charge at the time of payment

Calculation and payment of indexed charges

Calculation of indexed charges

Council has developed an IC spreadsheet calculator(XLSX, 58KB) to assist with this calculation where indexation now applies to Infrastructure charges notices.

Payment of indexed charges

Before making payment, you will need to request an updated calculation and Infrastructure charges fee statement.

Payment of infrastructure charges/contributions can only be accepted after Council has issued an Infrastructure charges fee statement and corresponding payment reference number.

Using the IC spreadsheet calculator

  1. Open the IC spreadsheet calculator(XLSX, 58KB)
  2. On the "Input & Result" tab, update the spreadsheet with the following information
    Field Details
    Date levied Insert the date the original Development approval was given, i.e. the date of the original Decision notice.
    Note: the initial levied charge rate may be subject to indexation up to the date of payment and capped at the maximum charge rate in accordance with s112 of Planning Act 2016. e.g. 1/07/2021
    Date payable Insert the date ending the last financial quarter, e.g. 30/06/2022
    Initial levied charge rate  Insert the initial levied charge rate for the relevant use from the original ICN issued with the original decision notice, e.g. $18,406.59. Note: Do not insert the amount shown in the 'Total levied charges' section of the ICN in this field. An indexed calculation will need to be performed of each individual charge rate for the use on the development, taking into consideration, the maximum capped charge rate. This is used to calculate the charges applicable for the development.
  3. The indexed charge is then automatically calculated and stated in the green box on the right hand side. If this amount is greater than the maximum capped amount, then the maximum capped amount applies in accordance with the Planning Act.
  4. Apply the new indexed charge rate to the relevant development uses by the demand units.

Approvals issued prior to 1 July 2011

Approvals issued prior to 1 July 2011 did not receive Infrastructure charges notices for infrastructure networks controlled by Council. Instead a condition of the development approval set out the requirements for any infrastructure contribution.

For any existing development approval including a condition in the development approval requiring a contribution in accordance with a Planning scheme policy, request an updated calculation and Infrastructure charges fee statement.

Developer Contribution charge rates for DAs approved prior to the 29 October 2009 (Caboolture District)

Under Caboolture ShirePlan, for development approvals granted prior to 29 October 2009 (in accordance with PSP19A (Stormwater Network Developer Contributions) and PSP21A (Transport Network Developer Contributions), the following charges rates apply:

Note the charge rates listed in the above links are subject to indexation and will be updated accordingly.

If the condition has been amended at some time in the past and now requires a contribution instead in accordance with the Charges resolution, unless stated otherwise in the condition, the current maximum adopted charge rate will apply.

Infrastructure charges register

In accordance with the Planning Regulation 2017 a local government is required to keep a register of all of the infrastructure charges levied by Council. The current register will be updated monthly as of 1 January 2020. Refer to Infrastructure Charge Register(XLSX, 700KB) for details.

An Infrastructure Charges Notice is issued with a development approval. You can view specific development application details, including Infrastructure Charges Notices issued, using Council's online planning system - DA Tracker.

Additional trunk infrastructure information

The trunk infrastructure information and infrastructure charges revenue and expenditure reports are published in accordance with the Planning Regulation 2017.

This information is available on the following links: 

The reports include:

  • quarterly update on trunk infrastructure supplied by the local government and developers. 
  • annual update of infrastructure charges revenue collected and expended. 
  • annual update of forecast infrastructure charges revenue and expenditure. 
  • actual infrastructure charges revenue and expenditure for the previous financial year.
  •  quarterly update on trunk infrastructure supplied by the local government and developers. 


Infrastructure charges are collected in monetary form and in non-cash form as trunk infrastructure which is provided by a developer in lieu of paying the levied infrastructure charge. 

In some instances, infrastructure charges that are levied are not collected by the local government for example, no charge is collected if the development approval lapses. 

Under the Planning Act 2016, infrastructure charges revenue that is collected in monetary form, is not required to be spent in the same suburb or locality as the land to which the corresponding development approval relates. 

Infrastructure charges revenue may be used to pay for regional scale infrastructure of any type. 

Provisions under the Planning Act 2016, allow for the cost of infrastructure to be provided under a condition of development (for example, the construction of an arterial road) to be offset against the infrastructure charge that would otherwise be payable. In some instances, a part payment will still need to be made, while in others a refund will be given. 

Trunk infrastructure - fact sheet(PDF, 2MB)

Infrastructure agreements

An infrastructure agreement is a contractual agreement between Council and a developer to establish obligations and entitlements for each party. It includes a schedule of infrastructure and the timings of payment of charges or provision of infrastructure.

If you wish to request for an Infrastructure Agreement, lodge your application via the online lodgement portal. An application fee is applicable for a request for an infrastructure agreement or a Variation to an Infrastructure Agreement in accordance with Council’s fees and charges schedule.