Div 11: Regional Moreton Bay score major upgrades to lifestyle
Published 16 June 2023

This year’s 2023-24 Budget is all about improving the lifestyles of locals in Division 11 with a host of upgrades in the works for playgrounds and sports facilities as well as plenty of vital road, footpath and flood recovery projects
Councillor Darren Grimwade said there were a swathe of projects to cover the communities of Division 11 from Samford Valley and Mount Nebo in the south, up through Armstrong Creek to Ocean View in the north, Narangba in the east, and everything in between.
“Division 11 is one of the largest and most diverse areas of Moreton Bay, each community with their own unique demographics, needs and wants,” he said.
“With so much growth coming to our great region it’s important that we show the love to all of our communities, so they have the infrastructure, services, and facilities they need to have a happy and healthy life.
“We promised that Dayboro would be next in line for beautification works and we’re delivering by reshaping and resurfacing 18,000m2 of turf and improving drainage at the Dayboro Showgrounds to bring it up to modern standards as an event space.
“Planning will begin to bring the Dayboro town centre up to modern standards too with a brand new civic area that will include a new event space, picnic settings, play equipment, amenities, and landscaping.
“Design work will also begin for an overhaul of the skate park at Roderick A Cruice Park.
“There are playground and park upgrades scheduled right across the region with works beginning on the massive new Samford Village Green space that will make Samford an even better destination to picnic and enjoy local events within the beautiful surroundings of the valley.
“Andy Williams Park in Cedar Creek will get a much-needed new amenities block and water tank, while Cockatoo Crescent in Narangba will get a play equipment upgrade to a name just a few.
“Construction or planning will begin on roughly 3km worth of missing link footpaths and footpath renewals across Division 11, including an important 300m stretch along Winn Road, Mount Samson between Kundes and Andrew Roads to greatly improve safety for school kids at Mount Samson State School.
“We’ve allocated $3.7 million for road resurfacing projects, as well as many flood recovery projects including major landslip repairs at Mount Brisbane Road, Mount Pleasant, Mayfield Road, Samford Valley and the Goat Track.
“There are plenty of gravel roads being sealed too including Wirth Road, Laceys Creek, Clifford and Rahes Roads at Mount Pleasant.
“Mount Nebo Road will get much-needed Blackspot upgrades to two sections, which will greatly improve safety for locals who regularly use this road and tourists who are unfamiliar with the area.
“Narangba residents will see $800,000 invested into the final design of the Young Road and Oakey Flat Road signalised intersection.
“This is just a snapshot of all the work that is happening this financial year as part of the blockbuster 2023-24 Budget across Division 11 and I can’t wait to see it all rolled out.”
Budget Highlights for Division 11
- $1.7 million - Jagera Court, Closeburn, retaining wall renewal
- $1.1 million - Mount Samson Road, Closeburn, road rehabilitation
- $800,000 - Young and Oakey Flat Roads intersection upgrade (design)
- $442,000 - Winn Road, Mount Samson, pathway construction
- $400,000 - Mount Nebo Road, Mount Nebo, blackspot road upgrade
- $400,000 - Yugar - Hansen Road - Causeway Upgrade
- $345,000 - Samford Showgrounds amenities construction
- $250,000 - Dayboro War Memorial Grounds soccer field lighting
Video transcript