Div 9: Protecting our environment and lifestyle in the face of growth
Published 18 June 2021

Budget 2021-22 delivers a record $245 million regional capital works program with a renewed focus on community engagement, to ensure Council aligns with the values of our local community.
Community calls in Division 9 for greater environmental protections and investment in local lifestyle and infrastructure will be actioned this financial year.
Councillor Cath Tonks said she was thrilled to be delivering an array of practical and positive initiatives that includes suggestions from local residents.
“In response to local calls for action to prevent wildlife being hit by vehicles along Winn and Samsonvale Roads in Cashmere, we’ll install a number of fauna crossings and signage in this area worth $460,000,” she said.
“Residents have told me they want to see more tree plantings to offset losses associated with housing development, so we’ll start a $129,000 planting program in Kimberley Court Reserve and William Johnson Park this year and continue over three years.
“This will provide important koala food habitat trees that supports our land buyback scheme and the Voluntary Conservation Agreement program which is helping to support local wildlife.
“I’ve acted on calls to invest in local parks so residents have a place to unwind in their own neighbourhoods, securing $280,000 to build a new playground, fitness area, basketball half-court and landscaping in John Leitch Memorial Park at Albany Creek.
“And I’ve secured another $420,000 for new pathways, a multi-court, shelter, seating and new play elements for Frank Nichols Park in Warner.
“I’ve listened to the concerns of parents who worry about options to keep their kids entertained, active, and healthy, and I’m proud to say that there will be significant investments in Division 9 this year to create more sporting and recreation options that people of all ages will enjoy for generations to come.
“The ever-expanding South Pine Sports Complex will undergo a further $11.6 million works for the new Brisbane Roar Women and Youth Centre of Excellence, which will be finished by 2023, in addition to the $13.7 million we invested to build three courts as part of Indoor Sports Complex extension.
“This will not only bring world-class players to our doorstep but provide top class new facilities and football fields for local clubs to utilise.
“We will also spend $2.62 million to build the new Nolan park BMX Precinct which will allow the club to host national standard competitions.
“Not only is this a great recreational outlet for local club members of all ages, but it will also bring in a host of visitors to our region and boost our local economy for years to come.
“This Budget also steps up to the complex challenge of providing the vital infrastructure that’s needed to accommodate growth, while providing the environmental protections residents have been asking for.
“You’ll see road improvements in Brendale, Cashmere, Albany Creek, Warner and a huge $1.02 million invested in rehabilitating a 600 metre stretch of Old North Road between South Pine Road and Kremzow Road.
“I’m delighted that the first land purchase under the Environmental Land Buy Back Scheme to protect strategic habitats was here in Clear Mountain - now I’ll be urging Council to rehabilitate that 4.1 hectare site with native plants to become a refuge for wildlife.
“I want to thank local residents for getting in touch with me with their suggestions that we can action as a Council, I always welcome your ideas and will do my best to deliver.”
Budget Highlights for Division 9:
- $11.6 million to upgrade the South Pine Sporting Complex in Brendale, with support from the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure program
- $2.62 million to complete construction of the Nolan Park BMX Precinct in Brendale, with support from the State Government
- $1.02 million for road rehabilitation works along Old North Road in Brendale, with support from the Federal Government
- $500,000 for road and culvert upgrades along Leitchs Road in Brendale
- $460,000 to install fauna crossings on Winn and Samsonvale Roads in Cashmere, with Federal Government Support
- $420,000 to renew aged playground equipment in Frank Nichols Park in Warner, with support from the Federal Government
- $280,000 for upgrades to John Leitch Memorial in Albany Creek
- $260,000 to construct new amenities in Sarbi Park, Warner
- $198,000 for road resurfacing along Strathford Avenue in Albany Creek
- $180,000 for Albany Creek Library Playground upgrades.
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