Cat and dog registration Learn more about registering a cat or dog with City of Moreton Bay, and how to cancel, transfer or update your pet's registration.
Lost, found or impounded animals If you find a lost animal or see an animal wandering contact Council. To claim an impounded animal, contact City of Moreton Bay Animal Pound.
Dog ownership and complaints Information on responsible dog ownership and what to do if you are experiencing barking or nuisance dogs in your neighbourhood.
Cat ownership and complaints Information on responsible cat ownership and what to do if you are experiencing nuisance or stray cats in your neighbourhood.
Animal ownership and approvals Council's local laws regulate the number of animals allowed on a property. Approval is needed if you are a recognised breeder or exceed the allowance.
Pet education Council actively promotes responsible pet ownership through the Pets in Public Spaces program with education booths at parks across the region.
Pest and feral animals Council works with residents throughout the region to reduce the impact of major pest species and feral animals. Discover what pest or feral animals can be found throughout the region or report a sighting.