Register your cat or dog online

From 1 August 2024, Council will no longer issue registration tags. All cats and dogs must wear an identification tag when not at their registered address. For more information visit Cat and dog identification tags.


Step 1.Have animal details and supporting documentation handy

Details of animal to be registered including microchip details. If concession fees apply, prepare supporting documentation as individual electronic files, ready to upload to the online form. 

Step 2.Register your animal

Payment by MasterCard or Visa required at time of registration.

Register online

Step 3.Evidence of animal registration

An animal registration notice will be emailed to you.

In person

Step 1.Take animal details and supporting documentation

Details of animal to be registered including microchip details, and if concession fees apply, supporting documentation.

Step 2.Visit one of the following

Customer Service Centres

Step 3.Evidence of animal registration

An animal registration notice will be issued upon payment.

Pet registration renewal

Council will issue renewal notices for cat and dog registration in early September, with a payment due date of 30 September. Registration renewals which are not paid by this date will lapse and the animal will be unregistered. This may result in an infringement notice being issued.

You can now receive your animal registration renewal notice by email.

Registration period is 1 October to 30 September each year.

If no changes are required to your pet's renewal, you can make a payment online. Ensure that you have your renewal notice handy.

Pay now

If changes are required, or to ensure your registration renewal is charged at the correct pension or desexed concession amount, update your pets details.