Property searches

How to request a search

  • Sign in to MBRC Online Services (Instructions)
  • Go to 'Enquiries'
  • Find 'Information Request - Searches and Certificates' and click 'Start' to begin the process...

Request a search

Name and address search

Contains details of the property owner including the property owner's name and postal address. The requested information will be provided within 10 business days.

Conveyancing searches

There are two searches available to customers and their solicitors looking to buy a property.

Land record search

Provides current rating information, zoning, and all relevant property and building conditions and any applicable requisitions. Issued within 10 business days.

Building and plumbing search

Provides the information held by Council in relation to building and plumbing, including conditions, applications, backflow devices, and any applicable requisitions. Issued within 20 business days.

Building and plumbing plans and information requests

Authorised persons can request copies of building and plumbing plans and/or applications online or by completing a building plumbing records request application. Plans may be required for renovating, alterations, commercial fit-outs, placing a new structure, or providing finalisation proof for fire regulations. Results are issued within 20 business days.

Fees are charged for the time taken to search Council records. There are no refunds in the event the search was not successful or withdrawn before completion.

Building Envelope plans can be obtained using DA Tracker.

If you intend to sell your property, prospective buyers may need proof that the building work has been approved and built according to the approved plans. To check that structures are up to code, Council can conduct a building compliance inspection.

Licensed food premises search

Complete a Licensed food premises search application for information on all property notes, a search of Council records for the last order or current status, and inspection of premises with a copy of compliance results.

Planning and development certificates

A Planning certificate contains information about how the Planning scheme affects a property as of the date the certificate is requested. There are three types of planning certificates that can be requested.

Limited planning and development certificate

Contains information relating to the property with respect to planning scheme provisions, state planning provisions and designations, and infrastructure charges register. Certificates are issued within 5 business days.

Standard planning and development certificate

Includes information provided within a Limited certificate plus:

  • a copy of every decision notice or negotiated decision notice for a development approval not lapsed
  • details of any changes made or any extensions to the currency period
  • details of any deemed approvals
  • details of any decision to approve or refuse an application to amend a planning scheme
  • details of any continuing approval (repealed IPA, section .1.23(1)(a)to(d)
  • a copy of any compliance certificate given under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009
  • a copy of any exemption certificate given under the Planning Act 2016
  • a copy of any judgement or order of the P & E Court about the development approval
  • a copy of any agreement about a condition of the approval
  • a copy of any infrastructure agreement
  • a description of each proposed amendment of a planning scheme that has been decided to proceed, but has not been adopted
  • details of any current master plan.

Certificates are issued within 10 business days.

Full planning and development certificate

Includes information provided within both a Limited and Standard certificate plus:

  • where a development approval with conditions is currently in force:
    • a statement about the fulfilment or non-fulfilment of each condition
  • if an infrastructure agreement is in place:
    • details of the nature and extent of obligations under the agreement that have not been fulfilled
    • details of any security provided and whether payment is required to be made under the security
  • advice of any prosecution for a development offence that Council is aware of and proceedings for a prosecution
  • if a master plan applies and contains conditions:
    • a statement about the fulfilment or non-fulfilment of each condition.

Certificates are issued within 30 business days.