Precinct Plan 052 - Town Centre Frame 'R' Precinct

Planning intent

 The Planning Intent of the Town Centre Frame is set out in Section 5.2 of the DCP. This Precinct is intended to provide medium and high density residential and/or mixed use development to compliment the Town Centre Core. The Precinct is intended to provide support facilities and services to the Town Centre Core and accommodate a wide range of activities including administrative and commercial activities, facilities, and areas of medium and high density residential development. The overall community infrastructure and services, recreation and leisure facilities, public transport emphasis in development is to be upon flexibility, accessibility and integration of activity. In broad terms development along the major roads will be more intense, diverse and urbanised that in other parts such as transitional areas and in proximity the open space system. A gradual transition will be apparent.

Land uses are to generally complement the uses within the Town Centre Core and elsewhere within the frame, and should be integrated in functional and urban design terms with adjacent Precincts. The full range of Town Centre Frame land uses may be considered if such land uses are compatible with the emerging built form.

Residential development in the Town Centre Frame is intended to broaden the diversity of housing in the DCP area. When developed on its own higher density residential development typically will address the street with only minimal setback so as to extend the urban character and formality of the streetscape. The transition areas will reflect a less intense form of development surrounded by areas of landscaped private open space and will draw landscaped open space into the town centre through interconnected formal and informal public spaces. The preferred location for medium density residential development is in close proximity to public open space.

Land uses will be receptive to the establishment of transit related infrastructure. The establishment of the Public Transport Interchange (PTI) will serve as a means to influence the nature of surrounding development and harmonise with the development established in the Precinct in keeping with the market. The PTI will also act as a means to promote The Corso as a valuable pedestrian link between Lake Eden and the Town Centre Core.

Precinct plan

Precinct Plan 052(PDF, 323KB)

FiguresDrawing numberDated
1 - Planning Context(PDF, 165KB)TCFRPrecinctFig1March 2014
2 - Structure Plan Context(PDF, 232KB)TCFRPrecinctFig2March 2014
3 - Allotments(PDF, 137KB)TCFRPrecinctFig3May 2014
4 - Landscape Concept Plan Map(PDF, 191KB)TCFRPrecinctFig4May 2014
5 - Road Layout(PDF, 162KB)TCFRPrecinctFig5March 2014
6 - Water Supply Headworks(PDF, 216KB)TCFRPrecinctFig6March 2014
7 - Sewerage Headworks(PDF, 169KB)TCFRPrecinctFig7March 2014

Sector Plans

Sector Plan 052-1000(PDF, 7MB)

Figures Drawing number Dated
1 - Planning Context(PDF, 383KB) TCFRSectorFig1 June 2014
2 - Cadastral Boundaries(PDF, 280KB) TCFRSectorFig2 June 2014
3 - Precinct Plan Map(PDF, 283KB) TCFRSectorFig3 June 2014
4a - Sector Plan Map(PDF, 274KB) TCFRSectorFig4 September 2014
4b - Sector Plan Map(PDF, 314KB) TCFRSectorFig4 September 2014
4c - Sector Plan Map(PDF, 271KB) TCFRSectorFig4 September 2014
4d - Sector Plan Map(PDF, 285KB) TCFRSectorFig4 September 2014
4e - Sector Plan Map(PDF, 320KB) TCFRSectorFig4 September 2014
4f - Sector Plan Map(PDF, 278KB) TCFRSectorFig4 September 2014
5 - Sector Landscape Plan(PDF, 318KB) TCFRSectorFig5 September 2014
6 - Indicative Plan of Subdivision(PDF, 248KB) TCFRSectorFig6 June 2014
7 - Road Layout(PDF, 218KB) TCFRSectorFig7 June 2014
8 - Water Supply Headworks(PDF, 340KB) TCFRSectorFig8 June 2014
9 - Sewerage Headworks(PDF, 296KB) TCFRSectorFig9 June 2014
Metes and Bounds(PDF, 22KB) June 2014