Key resources

Flooded road - If it's flooded, forget it.

Information sheets

The following information sheets relate to the quick reference guide and provide step by step instructions on how to use Council's Flood Viewer and Disaster Portal as well as how to sign up for MoretonAlert:

Quick reference guide

This quick reference guide has been developed as an easy way to refer back to information and tools covered in the Online course: Get ready, respond and recover. It can also be used as a stand alone guide to prepare for, respond to and recover from a disaster.

Before a disaster

Understand your risk

Being prepared

If your property is at greater risk of bushfire:

  • Make your Bushfire Survival Plan

    If you live in a high risk bushfire area you need to have a plan to prepare your home and property, whether you choose to leave early or stay and fight the fire, and where to tune into for up to date bushfire warnings.

During a disaster


  • Disaster Dashboard
    The dashboard provides information on local road closures, bushfire events, sandbag stations, evacuation centres, news and alerts and links to Council’s social media notifications and links to the most up to date information from emergency service agencies (for example; BOM, QFES, QPS). You can search an address for current information relating to that area.

After a disaster


  • Health, wellbeing and cleaning up after a storm, flood and cyclone
    Includes information on returning to affected buildings, home and property repairs, restoring pools and water tanks, common bacterial infections, floodwater contamination, plumbing and water use, mould and asbestos.
  • Returning home after a bushfire
    Provides factsheets to assist residents returning after a fire on how to maintain rainwater quality, smoke effects, airborne dust, alternative fuel resources and asbestos hazards.
  • Housing help after a disaster
    Finding temporary accommodation, applying for financial assistance, repairing your home, help with rental and social housing.
  • Tenants Queensland
    Free advice for renters, including if affected by a natural disaster.
  • Financial assistance
    Assistance and Grants available if residents are directly affected by a natural disaster.

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