New wave of grants boost community groups and clubs

Published 17 August 2020

Community grants

Moreton Bay Regional Council has now invested more than $7.5 million into local sporting clubs and community groups since the start of COVID-19, with the announcement of new grant recipients today.

The first round of Local Community Support Grants has today (August 17) been awarded to 29 successful applicants across the region, totalling $75,188.

Mayor Peter Flannery said it comes after Council recently announced a new $500,000 grant program in the 2020-21 Budget, on top of the $5 million added as part of the COVID-19 Stimulus Package introduced last financial year.

“Community groups and local sports clubs are the backbone of Moreton Bay Region so it’s important we step up to help them to get through tough times,” Mayor Flannery said.

“Council already dedicates a significant number of funds to our groups and clubs because we know the positive impact they have on the general public’s social wellbeing, which is more an important than ever.

“But since COVID-19 we have bolstered our community grants commitment by $7.5 million and a further $75,000 today in the first round of Local Community Support Grants.

“It’s just another way Council is providing certainty for its residents in uncertain times as we get back on the road to recovery.

“The Local Community Support Grants provide up to $3,000 worth of funding for events, equipment and other resources to support organisations.

“You can check out all the successful applicants and your eligibility for future funding as it becomes available at Council’s website.”