Proposal to name Dayboro park after well-loved dairy farmer

Published 14 August 2023

Proposed area Bill Rowe Park

City of Moreton Bay is proposing to honour local dairy farmer and volunteer, Bill Rowe, by naming a Dayboro park after him.

Born William Rowe, a descendant of original settlers of Dayboro, Bill dedicated most of his life to his local community and had a significant impact on dairy farming in South East Queensland due to his 45 years of service and commitment to the industry.

Mayor Peter Flannery is inviting the public to have their say on the proposal, which acknowledges Mr Rowe as a dedicated member of the Dayboro community whose contributions were so great, they were addressed in State Parliament after his passing in 2010.

“Naming a park is one way we can show our appreciation for an individual who contributed a great deal to the local community,” Mayor Flannery said.

“An accomplished famer, Mr Rowe was the Deputy Chair of the Dayboro Cooperative Dairy Association and was instrumental in forming the Metropolitan Milk Producers and Dayboro Milk Transport Coops.

“Mr Rowe was heavily involved in the community and for over 40 years he volunteered his services for many organisations including the Dayboro War Memorial Association, Dayboro State School, Rural Fire Brigade as well as various sporting clubs.

“Mr Rowe, an ex-serviceman serving our country in the Second World War, was the Chair of the War Memorial Association for many years and oversaw successful events and projects such as Victory in the Pacific anniversary celebrations, the Australia Remembers celebrations, the Return of the Unknown Soldier ceremony, the 90th anniversary of the Gallipoli landing, as well as Anzac and Remembrance Days.

“With the help from his loving wife, Jean, they oversaw the construction of the new War Memorial in the Dayboro showgrounds dedicating numerous hours to the project ensuring that no names were left off the monument.

The specific area to be named, ‘Bill Rowe Park’ is located at 86 McKenzie Street, Dayboro (Lot 20).

Cr Darren Grimwade (Div 11) wholeheartedly supported the proposal and agreed it was an appropriate way to respect the valuable contribution of one of Dayboro’s well-loved locals.

“Bill freely gave his time to many community organisations, receiving numerous awards for his decades of tireless work including Queensland Fire and Rescue Diligent and Ethical Service Medal Year in 2008,” Cr Grimwade said.

“Bill helped establish and run the Rural Fire Brigade from 1960 to 2002 – that’s a remarkable 42-year commitment.

“Locals would often rely on him for advice and if a fire were reported, Bill would organise the crew and off they would go on their tractors, bulldozers or trucks to confront the advancing flames, sometimes for days at a time.

“A family man, a returned serviceman, a farmer, a volunteer, Bill was many things to many people and Dayboro is a better place because of him. This proposed park naming is a wonderful way to honour the legacy of this great yet humble man.” 

Bill Rowe was the recipient of the following awards:

  • 2001 Dayboro Day Resident of the Year
  • 2001 Centenary Medal - Contribution to Federation of Australia
  • 2006 National Medal - Long and Diligent Service to Community
  • 2007 Department of Emergency Service Australia Day Achievement Award
  • 2008 QLD Fire & Rescue Diligent & Ethical Service Medal

The proposal to name this parkland will now go out for public advertising and feedback over a 28- day period. Non-supportive submissions through this consultation period will see the proposed action brought back to Council for re-consideration.

Public feedback can be made by emailing: or via written submission to: PO Box 159, Caboolture Q 4510.

Visit the website for more information.