Div 6: Investing in sustainability and liveability as Redcliffe grows
Published 18 June 2021

With the booming popularity of the Redcliffe Peninsula showing no signs of slowing, Councillor Karl Winchester is thinking outside the box to keep Division 6 clean, green, and fun.
This year will see more trees and landscaping incorporating into the design of roadworks and stormwater projects, and a review of building heights to ensure sustainability is a central feature of development around the Peninsula.
“Everyone moving here and everyone who grew up here loves Redcliffe for the same reason - lifestyle,” he said.
“Residents have made their concerns about planning loud and clear, and we will act on that this financial year by working to improve the transparency and clarity of Council’s building heights policy.
“I want to ensure the liveability of the peninsula endures into the future, that means we need to embrace smarter urban planning, investing in green and civic spaces.
“We’ll be investigating options to extend the newly constructed shared pathway along Hornibrook Esplanade to continue all the way up to the Jetty at Woody Point.
“Ideally I’d love to see pathways and boardwalks that connect all the way around the Peninsula from Pelican Park in Clontarf to Endeavour Park in Newport so absolutely everyone can explore our region weather you’re on bike, in a wheelchair, riding a skateboard or on foot.
“The first stage of this project was possible thanks to assistance from the State Government and it’s proven to be hugely popular with not only locals, but also visitors who come from far and wide to enjoy our impressive infrastructure.
“We’ve allocated $6.35 million to road upgrades along Victoria Avenue at the MacDonnell Road and Duffield Road interactions as well as starting designs on a shared road along Woodcliffe Crescent to keep pace with increased traffic in and out of Redcliffe.
“Council is also investing in our environment and will spend $300,00 revitalising Bells Creek to improve the water quality going out into Bramble Bay, which in turn helps to rejuvenate seagrass beds and support our local Dugong population.
“Additionally, we’re going to start design works on the Charlish Park seawall renewal so this can be upgraded.
“I think this is truly a Budget for everyone and I’m proud to be part of a Council that is delivering on its promise for better infrastructure and more jobs for the growth of this region.”
Budget 2021-22 delivers a record $245 million capital works program and a renewed focus on community engagement, to ensure every action of Council aligns with the values of our local community.
Budget Highlights for Division 6:
- $1.08 million for road improvements to Victoria Avenue, Woody Point
- $300,000 to improve the water quality at Bells Creek, Redcliffe
- $250,000 to renew the footpath along Violet Street, Redcliffe
- $250,000 to complete the ‘missing link’ of footpaths along Pinewood Street, Orchid Street and Houghton Avenue, Redcliffe
- $245,000 for new amenities at K R Benson Park, Clontarf
- $234,000 for stormwater renewal works at Donald Street, Woody Point
- $195,000 to build a new seawall along Crockatt Park, Woody Point
- $190,000 to upgrade the intersection at MacDonnell Road and Victoria Avenue, Margate
- $176,000 to resurface Duffield Road, Margate
- $165,000 to resurface John Street, Redcliffe
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