Precinct Plan 050 - Town Centre Frame Major Community Facilities 'E' Precinct

Planning intent

Clause 8.2 of the DCP provides an outline of the planning intent for the Major Community Facilities Area and Clause 9.2 and 9.2.5 provides an outline of the planning intent for the Open Space Area. Both relate to the provision and integration of a diverse range of community facilities, recreation and sporting facilities and other types of open space with convenient vehicular and pedestrian access. The intent is summarised as follows:

"To provide a range of community services for the growing population of the DCP area with community facilities provided in:

(a) the town centre core and frame to fulfil a high level function;
(b) the designated major community facilities area which will fulfil a regional function or serve a population part of which will reside beyond the DCP area."

"it is intended that a full range of open space opportunities will be conveniently available to the community as it develops. "
"Sporting Fields generally are to be provided in a number of major clusters, including one in the northern part of the DCP area and one in the southern part. The sporting fields are generally intended to be linked with the community facilities in order to achieve the benefits of collocation and multiple uses. The linear park system will provide pathways linking to the district playing fields. "This precinct will provide the southern component of the desired district playing field network.
"The amenity of surrounding residential areas is to be protected by the design and development of the district playing fields. "
"Sporting fields may also provide a hydraulic mitigation function for major flood events."

Precinct plan

Precinct Plan 050(PDF, 2MB)

FiguresDrawing numberDated
1 - Planning Context(PDF, 1MB)MCFEPrecinctFig1June 2011
2 - Structure Plan Context(PDF, 1MB)MCFEPrecinctFig2June 2011
3 - Precinct Plan Map(PDF, 1MB)MCFEPrecinctFig3December 2011
4 - Landscape Concept Plan Map(PDF, 1MB)MCFEPrecinctFig4December 2011
5 - Road Layout(PDF, 887KB)MCFEPrecinctFig5June 2011
6 - Water Supply Headworks(PDF, 1MB)MCFEPrecinctFig6June 2011
7 - Sewerage Headworks(PDF, 1MB)MCFEPrecinctFig7June 2011

Sector Plans

Sector Plan 050-1000(PDF, 15MB)

Figures Drawing number Dated
1 - Planning Context(PDF, 393KB) MCFESectorFig1 January 2012
2 - Cadastral Boundaries(PDF, 321KB) MCFESectorFig2 January 2012
3 - Precinct Plan Map(PDF, 330KB) MCFESectorFig3 January 2012
4 - Sector Plan Map(PDF, 314KB) MCFESectorFig4 April 2012
5 - Sector Landscape Plan(PDF, 357KB) MCFESectorFig5 April 2012
6 - Indicative Plan of Subdivision(PDF, 293KB) MCFESectorFig6 January 2012
7 - Road Layout(PDF, 201KB) MCFESectorFig7 January 2012
8 - Water Supply Headworks(PDF, 322KB) MCFESectorFig8 January 2012
9 - Sewerage Headworks(PDF, 308KB) MCFESectorFig9 January 2012