Clontarf Beach history

In 1970 discussions took place in council regarding the names of Redcliffe suburbs and there was debate over whether the word ‘Beach’ should be dropped from the areas known as Clontarf Beach and Margate Beach. The issue was put to the vote with Mayor Ald Kroll deciding with his primary vote that the word would be dropped and that the southern suburbs would be Clontarf and Margate, subject to approval by the Place Names Board.


The Queensland Place Names Board this week notified Redcliffe City Council that the Minister for Lands had approved the use of the name Clontarf as a suburb and not Clontarf Beach.

The latter name has been in use for many years and will now be dropped, but the use of the postcode should be made by Clontarf residents to avoid confusion with Clontarf in other states. 

The new Clontarf-Woody Point boundary evolved when the city suburbs were arranged, has also been approved by the Minister.” (Redcliffe Herald, 29 September 1971, p. 2)

The Queensland Place Names Board approved the naming of the suburbs for the city of Redcliffe in 1971.