Beginner readers
Our beginner reader collection is for shared reading with an adult and for children who are starting to read independently to practice their skills.
Beginner readers are available in three levels.
Level 1: Starting to read
- Pictures that help decode the words
- Easy vocabulary and words
- Big type and word repetition
- Simple concepts and sentences
Browse beginner readers starting to read.
Level 2: Reading with help
- Simple story
- Illustrations support text
- Short, simple sentences and paragraphs
- Introduces new words
Browse beginner readers reading with help.
Level 3: Reading independently
- Short paragraphs and chapters
- More complex stories and higher word count
- Building vocabulary and more complex sentence structure
- Bridge to chapter books in the Junior Fiction collection, and to Junior Non-Fiction
Browse reading independently.
Browse all beginner readers.
Browse 50 books to read before you’re 5.