
3 Apr 2024 - 26 May 2024

1x4 Exhibition

Museums use objects to tell stories. It sounds simple but it is complicated. Objects can tell multiple stories from many points of view.

So who chooses the story? Which story is the truth? In museums, curators choose an interpretation but 1X4 turns this upside down.

Each object in this exhibition tells four distinct stories. Every story is the truth about the object and is a valid way to view the object, but they are all different.

Excursions for students in year 7-10 to explore the exhibition can be arranged, for more information or to book refer to School excursions.

Kids drop-in activity

Visit the museum during the 1x4 exhibition, and explore the museum trail, a free drop-in activity designed for kids!

Uncover hidden stories that are connected to our museum objects. The trail will challenge our young explorers to see things from multiple perspectives and think like detectives.

This activity is available during opening hours, Wednesday to Sunday, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. 

Guided tours

Join us on a guided tour of this exhibition, check out the tour times and dates for more information.


  • Wednesday, 03 April 2024 - Sunday, 26 May 2024


Pine Rivers Heritage Museum, 901 - 949 Dayboro Road, Whiteside 4503  View map

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