Our online payment system is currently experiencing technical difficulties. We are working to get online payments back online as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience. Please remember to never share your credit card details over the phone with unknown callers, if you receive a call requesting your information, hang up immediately and contact Council directly on (07) 3205 0555.
Due to mechanical issues, the mobile library will be unable to visit Mount Samson and Warner today, Thursday 13 February and Beachmere on Friday 14 February.We apologise for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, please call 07 5433 2000.
Celebrate the best of Australian literature for children and young people during Children's Book Week, from 17 to 23 August 2024.
Read your way through the short list of Children’s Book Council of Australia.
Find the 2024 shortlisted books in our catalogue.
You can also enjoy online Storytime videos featuring CBCA Short List titles by visiting Storybox Library.