Arana Hills history

Until the 1950s the area informally known as the ‘Hills District’ was scattered with forest and small farms. In 1878, Frederick and Elizabeth Patrick purchased the first land in the area now known as Arana Hill. Today’s suburban landscape did not being to emerge until the area was subdivided in 1937.

In 1956 the first modern suburban subdivision in the Pine area was established in Arana Hills by Willmore and Randell. Marketed as Camden Park, land sales were phenomenal as the price was not exorbitant.

As there were several places named Camden Park, a public meeting was called in March 1962 with suggestions for adopting a new name. In June 1962 the name Arana Hills, an Aboriginal name meaning welcome, was submitted to council by the Camden Park Progress Association. The Queensland Place Names Board gave its approval and the new name was gazetted in December 1962.

With the suburban development came new roads, shops, businesses and essential services, such as water and electricity, transforming Arana Hills into the residential area it is today.